Welcome to the program

Welcome to the City Changers Learning Community for School Principals. A school principals is not only the leader of a school but it starts with the leading of oneself but extends to being a leader of the community.

Education is one of the cornerstones of any society. We all wish to see a brighter future for our children and their children. We all want to live in a City that reflects God’s kingdom. For us to see this reality - we need to usher in this reality. We need to invest in the future agents of change. As educators, along with the parents, we need to form the worldview of the next generation. 

Come journey with us as we empower you with

·      resources,

·      investment by great leaders,

·      testimonies of educators and principals as well as

·      peer group discussions. 

This learning community requires of you to review this video and then answer the questions below. Answers will be discussed in your coaching cohort meeting.


Are you secure in your calling as a principal?


Dou you feel adequately equipped to be the principal of your school?


Do you know how to live out your faith as a follower of Christ and as a principal?

Complete and Continue