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Education Learning Community for Principals
Welcome to the program (2:53)
Cycle 1: City Changers Orientation
City Changers Introduction
Orientation to the Missional Model - Alan Platt (20:45)
Soul Care - Lance Witt (38:26)
The Full Gospel - Alan Platt (21:02)
Cycle 2:
Introduction to Cycle 2
Having a Christ Centered Vision - Alan Platt (20:35)
Creating a healthy Kingdom environment - Phillip Brand (14:45)
Team Building - Danie Roodt (18:09)
Cycle 3
Introduction to Cycle 3
Training and equipping - Results Based Conversations - Dr. Anton Venter (28:49)
A Christ Centered Curriculum - Carel Krige (37:12)
Servant Leadership: Calling - Alan Platt (25:11)
Cycle 4
Introduction to cycle 4
Collaborate - Developing a Prayer strategy - Carel Krige (13:04)
Church Partnership - Next Generation - Jean Symons (28:33)
Community Partnership - Navigate Value Crisis - Phillip Brand (13:42)
Cycle 5: Missional Individuals
Introduction to Cycle 5
School leadership - Dr Jason Rachels (15:35)
Outcomes Discipleship Framework - Alan Platt (20:24)
Framework of Discipline - Carel Krige (40:50)
Cycle 6
Introduction to Cycle 6
Parent Partnership - Muller van Loggerenberg (11:14)
Discipleship through Arts and Sport - Aaron Mills (22:54)
Catalytic Engagement - Jopie Maasdam (16:29)
Cycle 7: Missional paradigm
Introduction to Cycle 7
Educational Powershifts - Alan Platt (19:52)
The Discipleship Mandate for Missional Individuals - Jean Symons (21:20)
Resilience - Carol-Anne van Loggerenberg (20:58)
Teaching Redemptively - Donovan Graham (27:52)
Cycle 8: Missional Support
Introduction to Cycle 8
City Changers Framework - Alan Platt (20:08)
Soul Care 2 - Lance Witt (25:25)
Missional Possibilities - Dream session - Alan Platt (20:47)
Introduction to Cycle 3
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