After 1 Month | Am I finding my feet? (GROW)

God has blessed us richly in Doxa Deo. We believe that good stewardship is one of the reasons we have been so blessed. In the following video on good stewardship, you'll meet Fred Strydom, who takes responsibility for Doxa Deo Global finances.

Watch the video and consider how you can be a good steward of the resources, people and platform you have been given.

Schedule your first month's check-in with your SMU Leader to reflect on your orientation journey. Try to cover the following points in your discussion:

1. Discuss progress on your possible SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Timely) goals for the season ahead.

2. Discuss your Governance Plan with your SMU Leader / Manager

3. Discuss any points or expectations that are unclear to you.

4. Do you need any further assistance empowering you to do your work?

5. Clarify any expectations that have not been addressed.

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